Hello Readers, in this article we will discuss some of the most important and basic Linux commands. Before getting started with this topic, first of all, let’s learn what Linux actually is. Linux is an open-source operating system used by hackers, cyber security experts, pen-testers, and all those people. Linux can do all the basic things that Windows or mac os can do but, Linux can be pushed furthermore. Now, Let’s get started with today’s topic i.e. basic Linux commands. Before knowing the basic Linux commands you may want to know about 5 Linux Myths.

Some Basic Linux Commands To Know (Very Important) - ComputeNepal

First Command


So, the first one is PWD. This command line is used to see in which directory you are currently in. If you type PWD inside the Linux terminal it will show the directory that you are currently active in.

Second Command

ls -a

Another command line of Linux is ls. This particular command shows all the folders or you can say files in the terminal window itself. And if you wanna access hidden files you can use ls -a.

Third Command

cd Downloads
cd Raspberrypi

The next command line of Linux is cd. This command is used to change the active directory from your Linux terminal. For example. you can use cd Downloads and in some particular cases when your folder consists of two words you can use cd first word\ second word/. for an example. cd raspberry\ pi/. And the remainder, this command is actually case-sensitive.

Fourth Command

mkdir ComputeNepal
rmdir ComputeNepal

Following the commands, we have MKDIR and RMDIR. Basically, these commands are used for making and removing a directory in your active directory. So, for example, you can use mkdir ComputeNepal to make a directory named ComputeNepal and rmdir ComputeNepal to delete the directory named ComputeNepal.

Fifth Command

touch file.txt
touch file.zip

The next command on the list here we have TOUCH basically this command is used to make a blank text file or a zipped file. For example. you can use touch file.txt to make a text file and touch file.zip to make a zip file. While reading these basic Linux commands, you may be interested to know my experience of using Linux as a daily driver.

Sixth Command

locate -i Hello
locate -i *hello*world

The next command on the list comes to locate -i this command is basically used to search for an existing file in your computer for example you can use locate -i hello to search for files containing the word hello and in case you want to search for a file containing a particular two words then you can use locate -i*first*second.

Seventh Command


Next on the list here we have SUDO. This command is basically used for gaining superuser permission inside your Linux terminal. The full form of SUDO is super user do.

Eight Command

uname -a

Next on the list is uname -a this command is basically used for checking all your system’s information. This command can be compared with the properties tab in the Windows system or about phone section in the mobile operating system.

Nineth Command

sudo apt-get updates //for debian based
sudo pacman -Syu //for arch based
sudo dnf update //for red-hat (fedora)

The other on the list is apt-get. This particular command comes with sudo. This command is used to get some packages installed on your computer. Just for an example, you can write sudo apt-get updates to get the updates installed in your Linux system.

So this much for today. Now let me close the article here. Hope this article helped you get an idea about how to use the Linux command line or Linux terminal.

If you are thinking of using KDE as your desktop environment in Linux, you may want to check out these 5 Best KDE Themes.

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