Hello readers, in this article we will discuss the top 5 tech stacks for web development that you can choose for your next start. We will start all the way from what is a tech stack to which tech stack to choose from. You may navigate to the headings from the table of content below.

What is a tech stack?
Before starting with the list of tech stacks for web development, it is really important to know what a tech stack actually is. Basically, a tech stack is a combination of different technologies like front-end, back-end, UI/ UX, database, server, etc. which then forms a fully functional web app or a native app which we call to be a full-stack application. A tech stack contains mainly the following different technologies.
Let’s say you need an application that takes input from the user and processes it, stores it, and serves the processed data to the user. In such a case, there’s no way around it other than using a tech stack. In a tech stack, you will have a front-end to interact with the user, you will have a backend to process the data, a database to store the data, and a server to host all those operations. So, it is really necessary for you to use a tech stack in order to create a full-stack application.
Now, that we know the basic overview of the tech stacks, we can now head over to the list of tech stacks for web development.
1. MERN Stack
MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, Node. This is one of the hottest and burning tech stacks that you can use. MERN stack is comparatively easy we are somehow working inside Javascript as all the technologies used in the MERN stack revolve around Javascript. MongoDB is a NoSQL database meaning that MongoDB is a non-realational database. It is a very scalable database, that stores data in the form of BSON which is just the JSON format. Express is a framework for Node.js which helps us create a backend for our server easy and painless. Also React is the front-end technology used in this tech stack which is a bleeding-edge technology.
2. MEAN Stack
MEAN Stack is the same as the MERN stack, where the only difference is the use of front-end technology. In the MERN stack, we use React for the frontend whereas in the MEAN stack we use Angular as the frontend technology. MEAN is also a high-paid stack. In MEAN stack we deal with the MongoDB database, node js runtime, and express js as the backend technology whereas Angular is the frontend part.
3. MEVN Stack
MEVN is also the Javascript ecosystem tech stack for web development. In the MERN stack, we use React, in the MEAN stack, we use Angular whereas in the MEVN stack we use Vue.js. Here also, you will deal with the document type, NoSQL database, and the javascript-based backend. Choosing between MERN, MEAN, and MEVN is all based upon the preference of the frontend technology and the one you feel more comfortable in but all of these three tech stacks follow the same principle.
PERN stands for PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node. In this tech stack, we use a SQL database, unlike MERN. If you are someone who is more comfortable with the Relational database system, then PERN can be the tech stack for but. Other than the database, it is pretty much similar to the MERN stack.
LAMP is a whole new thing, at least for someone who knows the MERN stack. It is the type of traditional approach to making a web app. In this tech stack, we use Linux, Apache Server, MySQL database, and PHP, Python, or Perl. Nowadays, many prefer to use the latest tech stack like the MERN stack at least for web apps. But, LAMP is also a reliable solution for your next project.
Other than these tech stacks, we have many other approaches like serverless (like Flutter). You can choose any of the tech stacks according to the type of project you want to build. The tech stack is just the medium to build stuff but the most important thing is the ideas you generate. So, pick the tech stack you think is best for you and you are comfortable with, and just build the project.