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Some Inventions and Discoveries || Abacus, Pascaline, Napier’s Bones, Calculator

ByGaurab ChhetriJul 3, 20213 min read

Inventions and Discoveries What is the difference between an invention and a discovery? To invent means to create a new device or develop a process (of practical utility) after conducting thorough research and experimentation. To ‘discover’ is to find out or learn something which already existed but had been unknown till the time. Inventions give…


What is meant by Information Technology? || IT Services

ByGaurab ChhetriJun 29, 20214 min read

IT Services What is meant by Information Technology? The term “Information Technology” refers to the use of computers and networks to store, process, retrieve, protect, transmit and manipulate data. It…


What is a telephone? || Invention, working mechanism, parts, etc.

ByGaurab ChhetriJun 27, 20214 min read

 Telephones What is a telephone? A telephone is a device used for communication over long distances. It converts sound, especially the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted over…


Some QnA related to Computer Hardware || Understanding basic concepts

ByGaurab ChhetriJun 16, 20215 min read

 Computer Hardware What is computer hardware? Computer hardware consists of physical components includes the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components that make up a computer system. It also includes the…

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