IT Policy of Nepal



This is the age of Information and Technology (IT). The IT Policy is needed to systematize and manage the IT industry and other fields related to IT and ICT (Information and Communication Technology).
IT policy is very much important for our country as well. Through the development of the IT sector, countries like Nepal can uplift the economic condition of the country. It changes the lifestyle of people and is the best way to avoid global degradation in Nepal.
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What are the IT Policies of Nepal? || IT Policy of Nepal
Fig. IT Policy

Information Technology Policy, 2057 (2000)


“To place Nepal on the global map of Information Technology within the next five years.”


Among the World’s least developed countries, Nepal is also lagging behind in different sectors like education, health, agriculture, tourism, trade, etc. using Information technology. The excessive use of Information Technology will build economic consolidation, develop democratic norms and values, proportionally distribute economic resources and increase public awareness. in this way, the living standards of people will improve and there will be poverty alleviation. The use of the standard of people will improve and there will be poverty alleviation. The use of Information Technology will minimize the disadvantages Nepal is facing due to its geographical advertisements. In the coming years, globally, there will be a significant difference in the economic conditions of the countries developed in the field of difference in the economic conditions of the countries developed in the field of information technology and the countries may not be congenial even for the developed countries. The continuation of such inequalities between countries will be difficult to accept even by the developed countries for the development of Information Technology. Such type of assistance will be very important for the least developed country like Nepal. Hence, an Information Technology policy is required to develop information technology in a short time.


The information technology policy shall be formulated to achieve the following objectives:
  1. To make information technology accessible to the general public and increasing employment through this means,
  2. To build a knowledge-based society, and
  3. To establish knowledge-based industries.


The following information technology strategies shall be adopted to accomplish the above-mentioned objectives through rapid development and extension of information technology in a fair and competitive manner.
  1. The government shall act as a promoter, facilitator, and regulator.
  2. High priority shall be given to research, development, and extension of information technology with the participation of private sectors.
  3. Competent manpower shall be developed with the participation of both public and the private sectors for the sustainable development and extension of Information technology.
  4. Domestic and foreign investments shall be encouraged for the development of information technology and related infrastructures.
  5. Nepal shall be placed on the global map of information technology.
  6. E-commerce shall be promoted with legal provisions.
  7. IT shall be used to assist e-governance.
  8. IT shall be applied for rural development.
  9. IT industry shall be promoted.
  10. Speedy and qualitative service shall be made available at a reasonable cost by creating a healthy and competitive atmosphere among information technology service providers.
  11. Computer education shall be incorporated into the academic curriculum starting from the school level.
  12. Professional efficiency shall be enhanced through the use of information technology.
  13. IT network shall be extended to rural areas.
  14. Nepal shall be placed on the international market through information technology.
  15. Export of services related to information technology (software and hardware) shall be increased to 10 billion rupees within the next five years.

Information Technology policy

The following policies shall be followed up for the implementation of the aforesaid strategies:
  1. To declare the information technology sector a prioritized sector,
  2. To adopt one window system for the development in the field of information technology,
  3. To priorities research and development in the field of information technology,
  4. To create an atmosphere conducive to attracting investment in the private  sector, keeping in view the private sector’s role in the development of information technology,
  5. To provide Internet facilities gradually to all Village Development Committees of the country,
  6. To assist educational institutions and encourage domestic and foreign training to fulfill the requirements of appropriate manpower at various levels pertaining to information technology,
  7. To computerize the system in all government offices and build their websites for the flow of information,
  8. To encourage the use of computers in private sectors,
  9. To develop physical and virtual information technology parks at various places with the private sector’s participation in the development of information technology,
  10. To use information technology to promote e-commerce, e-education, e-health among others, and to transfer technology to rural areas,
  11. To establish a National Information Technology center,
  12. To establish a fund at the national level by mobilizing resources from Nepal Government, donor agencies, and private sectors so as to promote research and development of information technology and other related activities,
  13. To establish a venture capital fund with joint participation of public and private sectors,
  14. To include computer education in the curriculum starting from the school level and broaden its scope,
  15. To establish Nepal in the global market through the use of Information technology,
  16. To enact necessary laws for providing legal sanctions to the use of information technology,
  17. To use information technology gradually in all government activities and provide legal sanctions to them.

Institutional Provisions

  1. The National Information Technology Development Council (NITDC) consisting of 18 members with RT. honorable Prime Minister as the chairperson is created.
  2. The National Information Technology Co-ordination Committee (NITCC), consisting of 12 members with honorable Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology as the chairperson is created.
  3. The National Information Technology Centre (NITC) is set up under the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Legal Provisions

Necessary laws shall be enacted to regulate transactions to be carried out through information technology as well as other necessary arrangements pertaining to this technology and to protect intellectual property rights.

Amendment to the Policy

This policy may be reviewed and amended every two years in view of technological development and expansion of services resulting from rapid developments in the information technology sector. looking at the suggestions of various sectors, it may be reviewed and amended if necessary even prior to this period.

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