Hello Readers, In this article, you will know the 5 reasons to choose Linux as your operating system. If you are afraid of choosing Linux as your operating system, I’m here to help you choose Linux. But do you know, that Linux is not an operating system? Then what is Linux? To find out read my previous article on Linux Myths. Anyways, here’s why you should choose Linux.
1. Linux is Safe And Secure
Linux is open-source meaning that all the source code is available for everyone. Anyone can view and edit the source code. Now you may think that this is a problem, but actually, Linux being open-source is one of the most secure and safe operating systems. You will be shocked to know that there is almost zero chance of getting a virus on Linux. It is because whenever a new vulnerability is seen in Linux, it is patched on the spot. Thus, if you want a safe and secure environment Linux is your go-to solution.
2. Linux is lightweight and performs faster than any other OS
Do you know that you can revive your old and almost unusable computer/ laptop? If you install Linux then you will be shocked to know that the older machine turns out to be completely usable. It is because Linux is very lightweight and performs faster than any other machine. Reading this you may want to use Linux on your old machine so you can check my article on the best-looking Linux distribution.
3. Linux is an absolutely free operating system
Linux being an open-source operating system, is absolutely free to use. If you want to use windows you need to pay for a Licence key, if you want to use macOS, you need a mac machine, which both cost you some money but Linux doesn’t cost you a penny. So, if you want something that’s completely free, safe, and secure with good performance Linux should be your go-to destination.
4. You become familiar with Command Line
You may think, why should I learn to use the command line? But, if you are in any field of IT then the command line is indeed a necessity. As Linux is used in most technologies like servers, IoT devices, etc. it is necessary for you to be familiar with Linux and command line. On the top, if you are in the field of programming and coding then command line and Linux are something that can just boost your resume to land a great job. If you know programming or any other IT-related skill combined with Linux and Command-Line, that should be the cherry on the cake.
5. Linux is customizable
You may say that, are you kidding, we can customize Windows and macOS as well. But the thing here is you can customize to what extent? In windows and macOS, yes you can customize a few things but if you step into Linux you will be overwhelmed with the customization options available in Linux. Trust me, the customizability in Linux is unmatched by any other operating system out there. So, if you want to make your PC look and feel like what you want, Linux is for you. With that, you can read about my opinion after I switched to Linux on my primary device.